Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934

Rules and Regulation of the Mahavidyalaya

The Code of Conduct for Students / Parents/ Guardians / Public

Students admitted to the college must follow the following rules and regulations of the College:

01 The college follows Zero Tolerance in any sort of vandalism / indiscipline.
02 The College Campus, all the Class Rooms, Laboratories, Office, Principal's Office, Corridors and Library are under 24x7 IP enabled CCTV surveillance.
03 Use of Mobile Phones inside class rooms / Laboratories and Library is strictly prohibited
04 Students are advised not to bring Mobile Phones during the Examination period. The College Authority shall not be held responsible for missing of the same.
05 A student, once admitted in one subject may opt for any other subject only within the date fixed by the University and subject to availability and subject to fulfillment of other criteria and norms.
06 While entering the College premises all students must always wear College Uniform and carry their official Identity Card with them and they must produce the same on demand. Identity Card procured from any other source will not be accepted. In case of loss of Identity Card, they must apply for and collect a duplicate copy on payment.
07 Every student must see the Notice Board / Website regularly and keep themselves updated regarding different college activities particularly admission, Registration, examination, and scholarship and comply with instructions displayed thereon, failing which the Mahavidyalaya will not be responsible for any inconvenience.
08 Any student failing to attend at least 75% of the total classes will be declared as non-collegiate.
09 If a student remains absent continuously for 15 days after admission without any prior written information, his / her name will be struck off from the attendance register.
10 Attendance in all Internal Assessments is mandatory for all the students. There will be no Second chance to appear the same.
11 Use of drugs or any kind of intoxication in the campus will be a punishable offence.
12 The Principal may, without assigning any reason, require a student to leave the college if he / disciplinary committee consider such action is necessary for the interest of the Mahavidyalaya.
13 Students must keep the college premises / class rooms clean and maintain the sanctity of the college.
14 Students should not loiter in the corridors when classes are going on.
15 Students should remain calm and quiet while accessing the Library.
16 Smoking, chewing pan, spitting within college premises is strictly prohibited .Anybody caught will be punished as per the college rule.
17 Students should switch off fans and lights before leaving the class rooms.
18 Ragging of any kind is strictly prohibited and punishable as per the ruling of the Honourable Supreme Court of India and UGC Regulations of Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 and amended from time to time.
19 Students must show due respect and courtesy to the Principal, teachers, staffs, fellow students and visitors.

Students / Parents / Public may inform about their grievances in writing either to the Convener, Grievance Cell / Internal Complain Committee / Disciplinary Committee / Anti-Ragging Committee or email to: / Confidentiality shall be maintained if required.

Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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