Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934





  • Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental political processes, institutions, actors, behaviour and ideas; and familiarity with major theories, methods, and concepts of Political Science.
  • Synthesize, analyze and critically evaluate major arguments in the discipline.
  • Analyse political problems, arguments, information, and/or theories.



Understanding Political Theory ( UPLSMAJ11001-MAJOR ):

  • Acquiring domain knowledge on the discipline
  • Understanding various theories and its implications.

Introduction to Legal Awareness (UPLSSEC11001 – SEC):

  • Understanding the legal rights of the citizen of India in general and the marginalized groups in particular
  • Equipping the students with a working knowledge of the dispute redressal laws and mechanisms available in India.

Human Rights (UPOAMDC11016-MDC)

  • Understanding the basic concepts of Human Rights and its various formulations
  • Having necessary knowledge and skills for analyzing, interpreting the debates surrounding the Human Rights situations and the Social Movements around them


Introduction to the Constitution of India ( UPLSMAJ12002 – MAJOR):

  • Introducing the Indian Constitution with a focus on the role of the Constituent Assembly and examining the essence of the Preamble. Understanding various theories and its implications.
  • Critically analyzing the important institutions of the Indian Union: the Executive: President; Prime Minister, Council of Ministers; Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers; The legislature: Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Speaker, Committee System, State Legislature, The Judiciary: Supreme Court and the High Court’s: composition and functions- Judicial Activism, Local-self Government.

Legislative Procedures in India ( UPLSSEC12002 – SEC):

  • Understand the law-making process in the Parliament
  • Be familiar with the legislation making process and how to authorize the making of different laws

International Relations (UPOBMDC12037-MDC)

  • Demonstrating knowledge of the key dimensions, events and processes of international relations within their historic context, such as: the origins of the nation-state system, the Cold War, the shift to the post-Cold War system, the features and effects of globalizing market capitalism, growing environmental problem.
  • Understanding the major concepts of international relations, including: power, balance of power, hegemony, conflict, cooperation, integration, globalization, interdependence, dependence, regimes, globalization, terrorism, climate change.



  • Demonstrate a proficiency in thinking systematically about political interactions in national, global and international contexts.
  • Comprehend the basic structures and processes of government systems and/or theoretical underpinnings.
  • Demonstrate a proficiency in thinking systematically about political interactions in national, global and international contexts.



Understanding Political Science ( UPLSMIN10001 – MINOR):

  • Acquiring domain knowledge on the discipline and being able to think creatively and critically.
  • Obtain advance level of knowledge in political theory and other basic ideas of the subject.





  • The undergraduate programme of Political Science aims at providing students with a conceptual foundation in the discipline.
  • Asses how global, national, regional development effect polity and Society.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental political processes, institutions, actors, behaviour and ideas; and familiarity with major theories, methods, and concepts of Political Science.



Comparative Politics ( DSC 305 ):

  • This course aims to familiarize students to basic concepts, methods and scope of comparative politics, different approaches their strengths and weaknesses. The objective is to provide deeper understanding of structures and functions of institutions in comparative perspective. Further, the course will examine politics in a historical framework while engaging with various themes of comparative analysis in developed and developing countries.
  • The goal of comparative study is to develop “law-like” generalizations and thereby facilitate both explanation and prediction, thus warranting the status of a “science.”The course includes case studies of Western liberal and Socialist countries such as United Kingdom, United States, China and France. U.S.A., China and Russia. The course is aimed at generating a wealth of information that allows us to construct the key features for each of the individual cases, examine similarities and differences among various political systems, and appreciate the diversity of the political world.

Public Policy and Administration in India ( DSC 306 ):

  • Through this course the students will be able to effectively recognize, communicate, and contrast foundational concepts and issues in public policy and administration in India.
  • Being able to develop the ability to assess the functioning of the government and the administration in ensuring a citizen centric welfare administration in India.

Nationalism in India (DSC 307):

  • Understand the different theoretical perspectives on the emergence and development of nationalism in India
  • Acquire the knowledge of historical trajectory of the development of the nationalist movement in India with special emphasis on the history of partition and the movement of independence that followed.

Public Opinion and Survey Research (SEC 301):

  • Understand the issue involves in Public Opinion and Psychological Studies.
  • Acquire basic knowledge of research design as it relates to the selection of documentary sources, evaluation of existing data-sets, and survey research and able to use basic descriptive and inferential statistics.

Reading Gandhi (GE 301):

  • To understand the relevance of Gandhi and his philosophy in modern times. At the same time, the course will give students a good knowledge about Human values and Gandhian Principles. its helps students to improve their attitude to Gandhian philosophy. It inculcates the right moral values in students. It teaches students to understand that doing Social service and field work is essential for self-development.
  • The course focuses on Gandhi’s influence on Indian and Western thinkers, on the historical developments of Gandhi’s philosophy, on ethical issues, Gandhi’s moral, religious and social philosophy.



Introduction to the International Relations - (DSC 408):

  • Understand key concepts and concerns in International Relations, including notably the way power is acquired and used globally and how the states and non-state actors interact.
  • Identify the structure and operation of political systems, and to define and apply concepts and theories in International Relations.

Political Sociology (DSC 409):

  • It promotes knowledge on basic concepts such as politics, power, gender, civil society, citizens, culture and behaviour of individuals, how they developed over time and where they stand today. It also helps formulate independently generated and theoretically based research questions within political sociology.
  • It helps students in gaining knowledge about how political cultures are formed & shaped, the importance of political socialization process, the causes behind political participation & non-participation, the influence of political parties & the pressure groups in a political system and, further, the concepts of change and political development and how it’s being shaped in developing countries.

Political Theory: Concepts and Debates (DSC 410):

  • Acquiring advance level of knowledge in political theory.
  • Updating their knowledge level in the field of study of political theory with major political debates.

Democratic and Legal Awareness ( SEC 402):

  • Understand the legal rights of the citizen of India in general and the marginalized groups in particular
  • Equipped with a working knowledge of the dispute redressal laws and mechanisms available in India.

Feminism: Theory and Practices (GE 402):

  • Students can aware about the intersectional effects of sex, gender, race, class, sexuality, age, and other complex aspects of identity influence social structures and women’s empowerment.
  • Understand and articulate the history, strategies and goals of interconnected movements for social justice. And also know about their voting right, equal pay for equal work, fighting against gender stereotypes and per formative behaviour, protection against sexual harassment and assault, and right to own property.


Understanding Global Politics (DSC 511):

  • Understand how to approach a wide range of important global political and economic policy problems and participate in public policy debates on the crucial issues facing the world today.
  • Get knowledge of major issues and subject matters surrounding the world that decides the international relations- political, economic and security relations among nations.

Indian Political Thought (DSC 512):

  • Understand the themes and issues in political traditions and its institutional structure of pre-colonial India
  • Compare and contrast the positions of leading political thinkers in India on issues those are constitutive of modern India. And further. The students know about the relevance of political thought of pre-colonial India for contemporary politics

Party System in India (DSE 501A ):

  • Acquire Knowledge about the ideology and the organization of political parties in India and changing party systems.
  • Able to apply the knowledge in understanding and predicting the role of political parties.

International Organization (DSE 502B ):

  • Understand the contemporary relevance of the UN and its relationship with other Organizations
  • Understand how to contextualize recent international crises and their resolution.



India’s Foreign Policy in a Globalised World ( DSC 613 ):

  • Understand the International events and foreign policy issues and developments in Indian Foreign Policy approach.
  • Trained in diplomatic and foreign affairs which will help them to get jobs in international research think tanks and Indian Foreign Service.

Political Ideology (DSC 614):

  • Understand major ideologies for the study of Political Science.
  • Enable for discussion, debate and discourse for better understanding of the Political Ideologies and helps them for nation building process.  

India and Her Neighbour (DSE 603A):

  • Students are able to evaluate India’s foreign policy towards neighboring countries.
  • Able to evaluate and understand the major issues with the neighboring countries and further to understand India’s policy towards small South Asia Neighbours.  

Grass Root Democracy in India (DSE 604A):

  • Understand the significance of grass root democracy and the concept of good governance in the eyes of democratic decentralization.
  • Mobilize and empower responsible dynamics through local self government.
Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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