Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934





  • To equip students with a comprehensive understanding of early civilization.
  • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the History of India from its earliest time up to 300 CE, focusing on key events, developments and cultural aspects.
  • To explore the history of North Bengal, delving into its unique socio-cultural heritage, economic dynamics and geopolitical significance. 

    SEM 1

    History of India I, Pre-History and Proto-History (UHISMAJ11001)

    • Knowledge acquired: Acquired knowledge on the evolution of early human civilizations from hunter-gathers to agricultural societies, the intricate town planning of Harappa and the societal and artistic developments within early village communities.
    • Skills gained: Developed skills in exploring archaeological evidence, identifying lithic tools and analyse factors contributing to urban growth downfall.

    Understanding Heritage (UHISSEC11001)

    • Knowledge acquired: Acquire knowledge on heritage protection in India, including legislation and institutional frameworks governing tangible and intangible heritage.
    • Heritage Skills gained: Gain skills in defining and understanding terms such as ‘antiquity’. ‘archaeological’ site, ‘tangible heritage’, ‘intangible heritage’ and ‘art treasure’, as well as familiarity with national and international conventions, acts and conservation initiatives.

    SEM 2

    History of India II, Circa 1500BCE-300BCE (UHISMAJ12002)

    • Knowledge acquired:Acquire knowledge on the early history of India from C.1500BCE to 300BCE.
    • Skills gained: Developed skills about Aryan Invasion in India, Vedic and latter Vedic Period, social formation of early India, rise of Mahajanapadas as well as rise of Magadha.

    Archives and Museums (UHISSEC12002)

    • Knowledge acquired: Acquire knowledge on archives and museums. They will be able to understand conservation and preservation processes of archives and museums and so on.
    • Skills gained:Developed skills to understand how carefully museums and archives organize their materials to create interpretations of our past.



    • Ideas on early human civilization, hunter, gatherers and development of stone tools and food production
    • Ideas on Vedic Culture.
    • Competent to know about early historic period of Indian History

    SEM 1

    History of India from Earliest Times Up To 300CE. (UHISMIN10001)

    • Knowledge acquired: Acquire knowledge about early human civilization including hunter-gatherer societies, the development of stone tools and advent of food production as well as the characteristic features of Harappa town planning and early village communities with focus on art and craft.
    • Skills gained: Develop skills in exploring archaeological evidence, identifying lithic tools, analysing urban growth and decline and gaining insights into Vedic culture.



    • To provide a comprehensive understanding of the History of North Bengal from its earliest time up to Modern period, focusing on key events, developments and cultural aspects.
    • To explore the History of North Bengal, delving into its unique socio-cultural heritage, economic dynamics and geopolitical significance.

    SEM 1

    History of North Bengal (UPOAMDC11010)

    • Knowledge acquired: Acquire knowledge about early human settlement in North Bengal, characteristic features and demographic movements. 
    • Skills gained: Develop skills in exploring archaeological evidence, identifying caste and tribe demographics, analysing urban growth and understanding the diverse cultures of North Bengal




    • Attain a thorough comprehension of the subject's underlying principles and philosophy.
    • Acquire a comprehensive interdisciplinary understanding of the subject and its practical applications.
    • Develop empirical knowledge of global and Indian history to enhance comprehension of civilization's evolution worldwide.
    • Gain competency for future roles in teaching and administration, enabling effective national service.
    • Cultivate a systematic approach to studying history, preparing for practical integration into social contexts.


    Course Outcomes 

    SEM 3 

    History of India-III, From 750AD to 1206AD (HISCC-V)

    • The paper Entitled History of India-III C-750-1206CE will be helpful for the students to acquire knowledge of Early Medieval Indian History.
    • Here in this paper special emphasis has been laid on social scenario. 

    Rise of Modern West-I (HISCC-VI)

    • The students will be able to get a notion about the growth of Modern Western Civilization in its earlier days.
    • In this paper social, political and intellectual history got special stresses which definitely make the students benefited for their holistic development of knowledge.

     History of India –IV, c. 1206-1550 (HISCC-VII)

    • The paper will grow knowledge among the students about the history of India during the Turko-Afghan Period.
    • It will also provide knowledge of the Mughal Empire. 

    MuseumsandArchivesinIndia (HISSEC-I)

    • Thestudentswillbeacquaintedwiththeinstitutionswhichpreservetheremainsof thepast.
    • In this connection they learn the significance of Museumsand Archives in India.


    SEM 4 

    Rise of Modern West-II (HISCC-VIII)

    • The paper highlights the growth of the Modern Western Civilization.
    • Specifically it discussed on 17th and 18th centuries Modern West. 
    • Specifically it discussed on 17th and 18th centuries Modern West. 

    History of India –V, c.1550-1605(HISCC-IX)

    • The students will acquire knowledge about the history of India during the rule of Humayun, Sher Shah and Akbar the great.
    • This paper will grow knowledge about the administration as well as the Art-Architecture and Literature of that period.

     History of India –VI, c.1605-1750 (HISCC-X)

    • The students will acquire knowledge about the history of India during the rule of from Jahangir to the Later Mughal emperors.
    • This paper will mention special reference to social, political, economic and cultural history of India. 

    Art Appreciation: An Introduction to Indian Art (HISSEC-II) 

    • The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Indian Art from Ancient to Contemporary times.
    • It will enhance knowledge and sense of appreciation of Indian Art. 

    SEM 5 

    History of Modern Europe – I, c.1780- 1939 (HISCC-XI)

    • The paper will equip the students with the knowledge on the history of Modern Europe.
    • It will discuss from the period of French Revolution to the outbreak of the 2ndWorld War.

    History of India –VII, c. 1750-1857 (HISCC-XII)

    • The students will get the knowledge about the history of Modern India.
    • This paper contains the history of 1757 Plassey to the great upheaval of 1857.

    History of Modern East Asia-I, c.1840-1949 (HISDSE-I)

    • The learners will achieve knowledge about the process of the history of China from 1840 to 1949.
    • It emphasizes some of the important movements of China viz.Taiping Rebellion, Self-Strengthening Movement, May Fourth Movement and etc. 

    History of Modern East Asia – II, c.1868-1945 (HISDSE-II)

    • After studying this paper the students will gather knowledge about the history of Japan.
    • The learners will achieve knowledge about the history of Korea during the Modern period.

    SEM 6

    History of India –VIII, c.1857-1950 (HISCC-XIII)

    • The students will get the knowledge about the history of India’s struggle for Independence from the Colonial Rule.
    • It will focus on some important events of Indian National movement viz. INC, Mahatma Gandhi and His Movements, SubhasChandra Bose and INA etc. 

    History of Modern Europe-II, 1780-1939 (HISCC-XIV)

    • The pupils will be able to know the course of development of European History from various ideological aspects.
    • Besides, various events prior to the 2nd World War will immensely help the students to develop the notion of European politics and society. 

    History of North Bengal-I(HISDSE-III)

    • The students will be able to get a notion about the regional History of Northern part of Bengal from ancient to medieval period.
    • The must be enriched by acquiring the knowledge of local history.

     History of North Bengal-II (HISDSE-IV)

    • The students will be able to get a notion about the regional History of Northern part of Bengal during the Modern era.
    • The pupils will be able to know about the socio-economic as well as political scenario of North Bengal in Modern Period.




    • Develop a broad understanding of India's and the world's historical significance, fostering an appreciation for the past.
    • Gain a comprehensive interdisciplinary perspective of the subject and its practical implications, including a nuanced comprehension of human civilization's history.
    • Cultivate general knowledge of global and Indian history to enhance their understanding of civilization's progression across various regions.
    • Acquire the necessary skills and expertise for future roles in teaching and administration, facilitating effective service to the nation.
    • Receive support in applying statistical methods, enabling their integration into teaching, learning, and research endeavors in the future.

    Course Outcomes 

    SEM 3 

    History of India from c. 1206-1707 CE. (HISDSC-III)

    • This paper will enhance students' understanding of Indian history during the Turko-Afghan and Mughal periods.
    • Engaging with this content will broaden students' knowledge of the significant events, socio-political dynamics, and cultural developments that characterized these historical eras in India.

    SEM 4

    History of India from c.1707-1950 CE. (HISDSC-IV) 

    • Students will acquire an understanding of Indian history from the demise of the last great Mughal emperor Aurangzeb to the establishment of the Indian Republic in 1950.
    • Through this course, students will gain insights into the socio-political transformations, cultural shifts, and key events that shaped India during this period.

    SEM 5 

    Some Aspects of European History c. 1780-1945 (HISPDSE-I)

    • This paper will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the history of Modern Europe, spanning from the backdrop of the French Revolution to the conclusion of the Second World War.
    • Engaging with this material will enable students to grasp the significant events, ideological shifts, and socio-political developments that shaped Europe during this transformative period.

     History of India from Earliest Times Up To 1193CE.(HISPGE-I)

    • The students will be acquainted with the process of Indian History from Pre-history to 1206 CE.
    • The students will be able to get knowledge about some important events as well as climax of Indian History. 

    MuseumsandArchivesinIndia (HISPSEC-I)

    • Thestudentswillbeacquaintedwiththeinstitutionswhichpreservetheremainsof thepast.
    • InthisconnectiontheylearnthesignificanceofMuseumsandArchivesin India.

    SEM 6

    Some Aspects of Society and Economy of Modern Europe from 15th-18th centuries (HISPDSE-II)

    • The students will be able to get a notion about the society and economy of Modern Europe.
    • It emphasizes on the period of 15th to 18th century Europe. 

    History of India from c.1193-1950 CE. (HISPGE-II)

    • The students will get the knowledge about the history of India from the battle of Plassey to the end of Nehruvian Era.
    • The students will get information about the history of East India Company’s penetration to India and its impact on India. 

    Art Appreciation an Introduction to Indian Art (HISPSEC-II)

    • Thecoursewillenablestudentsto understandthedifferentfacetsofheritageand theirsignificance.
    • The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Indian Art from Ancient to Contemporary times.
Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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