Surya Sen Colony, Block B, Siliguri
Dist.: Jalpaiguri, West Bengal (India)-734004
Phone : +91 353-2691488, +91 94763 87939


Govt. Aided College & Recognized by UGC u/s 2(f) &1 2(b) :: Established in: 1998
Masterda Surya Sen

Indian revolutionary
and School Teacher

22 Mar1894 - 12 Jan 1934





  • Gain knowledge and conceptual understanding of various subjects in Physics, apply them to practical problems and understand how nature works.
  • Develop ability to perform laboratory experiments, record data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions from them. Gain ability to use various laboratory based analysis tools, graphs, techniques, software and computers.
  • Grow laboratory based instrumentation skills and theoretical understanding of physical concepts in coherence with computational techniques in order to construct the foundation for future research works in Physics.




Mathematical Methods of Physics (UPHYMAJ 11001 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding different mathematical function and its properties and apply them appropriately in solving various problems in physics.
  • Basic idea of scientific computing and application to physics problems.


Basic Electrical Circuits and Measurements (UPHYSEC 11001 – Theory and Practical):

  • Basic and hands-on knowledge about practical electrical circuits, common electrical instruments, basics of dc and ac circuits, generators, transformers, motors and solid state electrical elements.
  • They will have a general and hands-on knowledge about household electrical wiring and its components, wiring diagrams, power transmission, ac electrical connections – star and delta connections, power, voltage and current distributions.



Mechanics-I (UPHYMAJ 12002 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, both linear and rotational motions, and basic idea of general properties matter.
  • Gain a clear idea of basic mechanical principles, energy principles, collision dynamics, oscillatory motion, pseudo forces, terrestrial forces, etc.


Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (UPHYSEC 12002 – Theory):

  • Understanding the basics of how each renewable energy technology works. And how it can be utilized for electric energy production.
  • Generating electricity from sustainable energy sources and keeping track of key public policies affecting renewable power generation and identify the role played by these policies in shaping the electric power industry and make a payback calculation for each technology.




  • Gain knowledge and conceptual understanding of various subjects in Physics, apply them to practical problems and understand how nature works.
  • Develop ability to perform laboratory experiments, record data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions from them.
  • Grow proficiency in mathematical concepts for Physics and apply them to solve problems in Physics. Develop the ability to translate a physical description of a problem to a mathematical equation.



Mechanics (UPHYMIN 20002 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, both linear and rotational motions, and basic idea of general properties matter.
  • Gain a clear idea of basic mechanical principles, energy principles, collision dynamics, oscillatory motion, pseudo forces, terrestrial forces, etc.




  • Gain knowledge and conceptual understanding of various subjects in Physics, apply them to practical problems and understand how nature works.
  • Develop ability to perform laboratory experiments, record data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions from them. Gain ability to use various laboratory based analysis tools, graphs, techniques, software and computers.
  • Grow laboratory based instrumentation skills and theoretical understanding of physical concepts in coherence with computational techniques in order to construct the foundation for future research works in Physics.




Mathematical Methods of Physics - II (CC5 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding and identify different mathematical functions and apply them in solving various problems in physics.
  • Basic idea of scientific computing and how to apply these to solve physics problems.


Thermal Physics (CC6 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding of the idea how thermal properties of matter can be described both using molecular dynamics as in kinetic theory and statistical ideas as in thermodynamics.
  • Gain a clear idea of dynamical equations in kinetic theory as well as laws of thermodynamics and how one can explain different thermal properties of gas using them.


Digital Systems and Applications (CC7 – Theory and Practical):

  • Student will be able to demonstrate understanding of the different families of digital integrated circuits and their characteristics.
  • They will be able to analyze, design, build and troubleshoot a broad range of combinational circuits using digital ICs, understanding the basics of programmable logic devices and implement circuits on them.


Basic Electrical Circuits and Measurements (SEC1 – Theory):

  • Basic and hands-on knowledge about practical electrical circuits, common electrical instruments, basics of dc and ac circuits, generators, transformers, motors and solid state electrical elements.
  • They will have a general and hands-on knowledge about household electrical wiring and its components, wiring diagrams, power transmission, ac electrical connections – star and delta connections, power, voltage and current distributions.


Mechanics (GE1 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, both linear and rotational motions, and basic idea of general properties matter.
  • Gain a clear idea of basic mechanical principles, energy principles, collision dynamics, oscillatory motion, pseudo forces, terrestrial forces, etc.



Mathematical Methods of Physics - III (CC8 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding several additional mathematical functions (like Fourier transform, Matrices, Complex functions, etc.) and apply them in solving various problems in physics.
  • Basic idea of scientific computing and how to apply these to solve physics problems.


Elements of Modern Physics (CC9 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding major concepts in modern physics, such as quantum description of particles, developed and how these evolved over time.
  • Gain a clear understanding of the foundations of quantum mechanics. Concepts of the very different physics in the nucleus of an atom and how quantum mechanics can be applied to it.


Analog Systems and Applications (CC10 – Theory and Practical):

  • Learning various fundamental concepts of analog systems may help the students to apply the concepts in building an analog system prototype.
  • By the end of this course, students should be able to understand the fundamental concepts of analog systems and apply the same in real world applications.


Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (SEC2 – Theory):

  • The students can understand the basics of how each renewable energy technology works. And how it can be utilized for electric energy production.
  • Generating electricity from sustainable energy sources and keeping track of key public policies affecting renewable power generation and identify the role played by these policies in shaping the electric power industry and make a payback calculation for each technology.


Electricity and Magnetism (GE2 – Theory and Practical):

  1. Concepts of the laws of electric charge, current electricity and the interrelationship with magnetism in vacuum as well as in a material medium. Idea of the origin of magnetic field in the presence of electric current in different situations and the converse phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.
  2. Gain a clear idea of the behavior of alternating current in different circuit combinations and ability to use different network theorems in practical situations.



Quantum Mechanics (CC11 – Theory and Practical):

  • Concepts of how mathematical tools such as differential equations can be applied in an abstract sense to ultimately explain real physical observations of particle behavior which cannot be explained by classical mechanics.
  • Understanding of how quantum mechanics can describe atomic spectrum and behavior of atoms in electromagnetic fields.


Solid State Physics (CC12 – Theory and Practical):

  1. Gain a clear idea of differences between crystal and amorphous and the physics within. Concepts of symmetry and periodicity in crystals and how the introduction of periodicity in a standard quantum mechanical scenario brings out the properties of crystalline solids.
  2. Concepts of band structure in solids and how it can resolve unsolved differences between older theory and experiments.


Advanced Mathematical Physics - I (DSE1 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding several advanced mathematical theories and tools like Laplace transform, Vector spasces and Tensors and apply them in solving various problems in physics.
  • Idea of how to solve advanced problems in physics using scientific computing.


Applied Dynamics (DSE2 – Theory and Practical):

  • Recapitulation of classical mechanics and general idea of dynamical systems.
  • Introduction to advanced ideas in mechanics like chaos, fractals and fluid dynamics.



Electromagnetic Theory (CC13 – Theory and Practical):

  • Ability to formulate potential problems within electrostatics, magnetostatics and stationary current distributions in linear, isotropic media and also solve such problems in simple geometries using separation of variables and the method of images.
  • Define and derive expressions for energy both for the electrostatic and magnetostatic fields and derive Poyntings theorem from Maxwell’s equations and interpret the terms in the theorem physically.


Statistical Mechanics (CC14 – Theory and Practical):

  1. Learn how to evaluate macroscopic thermal properties of matter (specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, etc) from microscopic dynamics. The course begins with first using classical dynamics and then using quantum dynamics as the microscopic principles.
  2. Get a good grasp of modern statistical mechanics of interacting, classical and quantum systems and learn the techniques mentioned in the syllabus. A good knowledge of this subject is essential to understand recent developments in large parts of condensed-matter science.


Advanced Mathematical Physics - II (DSE3 – Theory):

  • Understanding several advanced mathematical theories and tools like Variational calculus, Group theory and Probability theory and apply them in solving various problems in physics.
  • Idea of how to apply these to solve advanced problems in physics.


Nuclear and Particle Physics (DSE4 – Theory):

  • Concepts of the very different kind of forces and the physics thereof that prevail in the nucleus of an atom. and understanding of how quantum mechanics can be applied in some cases for describing observations of related nuclear properties.
  • Gain a clear idea of the models that describe a nucleus, different nuclear phenomena, nuclear reactions, radioactivity, etc. Conception of various high energy particles, their properties and reactions, particle detectors etc.






  • Gain knowledge and conceptual understanding of various subjects in Physics, apply them to practical problems and understand how nature works.
  • Develop ability to perform laboratory experiments, record data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions from them.
  • Grow proficiency in mathematical concepts for Physics and apply them to solve problems in Physics. Develop the ability to translate a physical description of a problem to a mathematical equation.




Thermal Physics & Statistical Mechanics (DSC3 – Theory and Practical):

  • Understanding of the idea how thermal properties of matter can be described both using molecular dynamics as in kinetic theory and statistical ideas as in thermodynamics.
  • Gain a clear idea of dynamical equations in kinetic theory as well as laws of thermodynamics and how one can explain different thermal properties of gas using them.


Basic Electrical Circuits and Measurements (SEC1P1 – Theory):

  • Basic and hands-on knowledge about practical electrical circuits, common electrical instruments, basics of dc and ac circuits, generators, transformers, motors and solid state electrical elements.
  • They will have a general and hands-on knowledge about household electrical wiring and its components, wiring diagrams, power transmission, ac electrical connections – star and delta connections, power, voltage and current distributions.



Waves and Optics (DSC4 – Theory and Practical):

  1. Understanding the concepts of wave motion and acoustics.
  2. Introduction to various designs of optical systems and aberrations with an emphasis on image forming systems. A thorough introduction to image forming systems with emphasis on the human eye, the camera, the telescope and the microscope. Fundamental knowledge about the different phenomenon of physical optics.


Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (SEC1P2 – Theory):

  • The students can understand the basics of how each renewable energy technology works. And how it can be utilized for electric energy production.
  • Generating electricity from sustainable energy sources and keeping track of key public policies affecting renewable power generation and identify the role played by these policies in shaping the electric power industry and make a payback calculation for each technology.



Nuclear and Particle Physics (DSEP1 – Theory and Practical):

  • Concepts of the very different kind of forces and the physics thereof that prevail in the nucleus of an atom. and understanding of how quantum mechanics can be applied in some cases for describing observations of related nuclear properties.
  • Gain a clear idea of the models that describe a nucleus, different nuclear phenomena, nuclear reactions, radioactivity, etc. Conception of various high energy particles, their properties and reactions, particle detectors etc.


Basic Electrical Circuits and Measurements (SEC2P1 – Theory):

  • Basic and hands-on knowledge about practical electrical circuits, common electrical instruments, basics of dc and ac circuits, generators, transformers, motors and solid state electrical elements.
  • They will have a general and hands-on knowledge about household electrical wiring and its components, wiring diagrams, power transmission, ac electrical connections – star and delta connections, power, voltage and current distributions.



Quantum Mechanics (DSEP2 – Theory and Practical):

  • Concepts of how mathematical tools such as differential equations can be applied in an abstract sense to ultimately explain real physical observations of particle behavior which cannot be explained by classical mechanics.
  • Understanding of how quantum mechanics can describe atomic spectrum and behavior of atoms in electromagnetic fields.


Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting (SEC2P2 – Theory):

  • The students can understand the basics of how each renewable energy technology works. And how it can be utilized for electric energy production.
  • Generating electricity from sustainable energy sources and keeping track of key public policies affecting renewable power generation and identify the role played by these policies in shaping the electric power industry and make a payback calculation for each technology.
Affiliated under NBU

Block B, Surya Sen Colony
P.O. : Siliguri Town Dist. : Jalpaiguri,
West Bengal (INDIA), Pin : 734004
Phone (Office): +91 353-2691488
Phone (Helpline): +91 94763 87939

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